Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Signed logs in every county in Tennessee

With another trip to East Tennessee, I left home around 3:30 am and swept through Pickett, Scott and Morgan Counties to complete the requirements for the Tennessee County Challenge

Left I-40 at Cookeville and headed north to Stay the Night - TB Hotel in the snow where there was about one inch on the ground.  After Pickett County, I headed east and even though I had Fentress County, I could not pass up Sgt. Alvin C. York // Hero // Statesman.  Cache is located at the home of the Congressional Medal of Honor Winner.  After finding the cache, I drove to the cemetery about 1/2 mile away to visit the Sgt's grave and pay my respects.  Went onto Scott County and decided to go after a regular size cache in the snow at Robbins Park Cache, this was a quality cache and thanked myself for going after this cache instead of the guard rail series north of this location. I have determined that the game is turning into a game of going from guard rail to guard rail.  Drove onto Morgan County and found an earthcache called Potter Falls, even though earthcaches do not quality for the county challenge.  I really wanted to find the nearby physical cache, however it has a 4.5 terrain rating and 4 difficulty.  The odds of a DNF were high and also noted it was snowing, rocks has ice and the chance of an injury would also be high.  I continued to head south towards Knoxville and found smokey's tour and with that find, I have completed the requirements for the Tennessee County Challenge. 

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