Friday, February 13, 2009

Columbus-Belmont State Park

As a teenager, I visited Columbus-Belmont State Park but didn't really grasp the history at the time. When I took up geocaching in 2005, I wondered if my geocaching adventure will take me to the park again. The Columbus Bluff Earthcache was established and on October 25, 2008, I took my girls to the park before winter set in to see the park and do the earthcache. We had a great time that day and didn't find many caches. My girls took advantage of seeing the bluffs and I explained how the position was good for defensive warfare and why Gen. Grant chose an easier target of Fort Henry on the Tennessee River. Thus with the later capture of Fort Donelson, the position at Columbus has to be abandoned by Confederate forces. We toured the little museum and took a picture with a Confederate Battleflag over looking the Mississippi River. The earthcache was my youngest daughter's 300th geocache find. We spend the reminder of the day, watching my youngest daughter playing.
Now that my blog is reaching a far larger audience with it imported to Facebook, some my notice some geocaching pictures using the CSA battleflag. My personal opinion, the flag does not represent hate or oppression but a symbol of southern heritage. I am a member of the Camp 323 Col. Jeffery Forrest Camp Sons of Confederate Veterans and we are proud of my ancestor, Pvt. John Hudson Goodwyn's service to the Confederate Army.

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