Thursday, July 18, 2013

KTAG event

While looking for nearby events, I noticed KTAG "I Scream" Social  and made plans to attend.  It was a fun event and  the type of event that I like the most where I can mingle from one cacher or group to another.  Weather turned out good for the event, not too hot and no rain.  While at the event, I went after The Iconic Multi State Challenge (Sapper Style).  I made my leave from the event and proceed the trails and then found the area 70 feet from GZ to be logged out.  Apparently, the cache is located on private property, I attempted to find the cache and got no where and went back to the event empty handed.  At the event, I expressed my disappointment and then other cachers told me it was there and scoutpaddle drove me to another location making the hike much shorter and I found the cache.

This challenge type was difficult to me since I normally don't make big sweeps of an area, I typically go a few, usually not more than 4 caches on a trip, much less getting several icons in one day. 

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