Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day "Everything",,,,"for me"

This Monday is Memorial Day where we honor our war dead. I plan to attend the Memorial Day event at the Weakley County Courthouse in Dresden as I have for the past few years. A committee of people read the names of the war dead from Weakley County. The flag is lowered and later raised by members of the 1171st Transportation Company of the Tennessee Army National Guard. A guest speaker will be asked to share some words or memories. To finalize the event, the Weakley County Sheriff's Department deputies will fire a 21-gun salute.

Last year, my oldest daughter complained that she didn't want to attend the event. I guess she preferred to stay home and watch TV, a teenage thing. Afterwards we talked about it, I asked her how much time of her day she gave for the event, she replied "I guess about 1 hour". I asked what did the men etched on the wall give? She replied "Everything". I asked a followup question for who? The reply "for me." 100% correct, the men and women who have their names etched on the memorials at courthouse lawns, city halls, parks and other places didn't serve for themselves but for others.

1 comment:

flame-red said...

This is worthy of many comments. As a veteran, I have attended many services, both religious and secular, that were on either Memorial Day, Veterans Day or Armed Forces Day.

I get somewhat angry, when the day is set aside to honor a particular group, and more is said about the other groups than the one for whom the day is set aside.

It sounds like the people in Weakley County have in right. Memorial Day is set aside for remembering those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

I was in a religious service this past Sunday, where all of the veterans and current service members were asked to stand and be recognized. I took my stand, but they said very little about those whose service to their country ended in their death.

We have Armed Forces Day to honor those that are curerently serving, Veterans Day to honor and remember those that have served, but came home to their families. Memorial Day should be observed ONLY to remember those brave ones that paid the ultimate sacrifice for my, and others', freedoms.