Thursday, January 30, 2014

End of the year caching

gael75 sent me an email if I were interested in hiking the Shawnee National Forest.  Knowing that I had a Vigin Falls hike upcoming, I felt it was a good idea to make the trip, to make some attempt to get into shape.  I forwared the email to pcsenn and make arrangements for the cache run.

We met in Fulton, KY and headed towards Paducah to cross the Ohio River.  We stopped at a new rest area cache and a few minutes later met with gael75.  Went went into the forest were we had a local guide.  We learned much about the Shawnee National Forest and how it was settled by the homestead acts.

Caches of interest:

Lou Dean's Lookout, a very scenic overlook.

Late Night Talk, cache is located near a rock that looks like Jay Leno.  Area is popular with rock climbers.

Zealot for Bluffs, rough hiking area, very scenic area.

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