Friday, June 19, 2009

Nat's Knob

On Novemeber 11, 2005, I was off from work and cleared the geocaches in Benton County. My favorite was Nat's Knob which is located in Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park located on the west bank of the Tennessee River. The park is named for the famous Confederate Cavalry general and the Battle of Johnsonville. I consider this cache one of the better caches in West Tennessee and it's low number of finds, one of the forgotten.

I had visited the park many years ago while in the Boy Scouts and hiked the trails. My best recollection was hiking a few miles before my trip to Philmont Boy Scout Ranch in New Mexico. I visited the park again when I covered the county for Department of Children's Services.

Parking at the bottom of the hill, I hiked up to the cache, passing the sign, "Highest Point in West Tennessee" and found the cache. Later, I went to the museum to rest and drink some water. It was November, but a somewhat warm day. The staff noticed my hiking gear and we got into the discussion of geocaching, where I left them a printout of the cache page.

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