Monday, August 27, 2007

Lake County

When I discovered geocaching in Feburary of 2005, one place I set my sights on was the area of Lake County; the scenery is one of the best for geocaching. Even though, geographically, Lake County is less than 40 miles from my home, it does encompass a long drive on a winding highway to arrive in the county with little in between to stop or see.

In July 2005, Brickbat66 was in town and we decided to load up the car and hit Lake County. Cannotreadgps drove, Brickbat66 was in the front seat with the only Auto-routing GPS, Cachestalker94 and I rode in the back. The auto-routing came in handy more than once during the trip. Finds for the day were: The Great Bald Eagle, Reelfoot Lake, Blue Suede Shoes-Small Town USA Series, Reelfoot Airpark Cache and Civil War Battle for Island #10. We had a DNF at what later became Reelfoot Lake, BoardWalk(New).

During our stop at The Great Bald Eagle, Reelfoot Lake one thing we recall was the mating cottonmouths in the water while walking around on the boardwalk. After seeing the snakes, we decided we needed to make some distance between us and the venomous snakes. We enjoyed the history lesson at Civil War Battle for Island #10. We also liked looking at Carl Perkins boyhood home at Blue Suede Shoes-Small Town USA Series.

This past July en route to Pcsenn's 1K event, Phamrd93 and Minnie Mouse tagged along and found all the above caches except Civil War Battle for Island #10. Time had run out and we unable to run by that cache. This was Minnie Mouse's first caching trip to Lake County and her favorite was The Great Bald Eagle, Reefoot Lake cache. She had a really good time watching the Birds of Prey and the nearby Discovery Museum. We also found the first earthcache in Northwest Tennessee, Earthquake Lake.

At this point, I have found all the active caches in Lake County, a total of six. Lake County has so much more to offer in geocaching with it's history and geological features and hope someday, I can return to the county for another cache run.


SteveSpencer824 said...

Thanks for sharing! My first exposure to Lake County was as executor of an estate for a resident of Tiptonville. Pretty little small town. They have their own way of doing things. It was hunting season, so the Judge was only in once or twice a week. I'd have to leave my petitions with the clerk and she's have them signed when she saw him! That was long before caching, and I just never got back up there to hunt those. If you get up that way, I highly recommend that you look for a CPA named Albert Markham. He owns a photography studio and takes some amazing pictures, some of which are for sale!

I saw a fascinating show on the Discovery Channel last night called "Mega Disasters" that told the story of the 1811-1812 earthquakes that created Reelfoot Lake!

PharmD93 said...
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PharmD93 said...

I am glad I got to go along with you and your family on this trip. We saw a lot of pretty sites and snagged a few caches to boot! I logged my first earthcache at the Reelfoot Airpark Inn about the earthquake that formed Reelfoot Lake. Thanks for letting me tag along! I had a blast! :)